Friday, May 20, 2011

Converting the desire to spend to fuel for innovation

There are so many materialistic things in the world I would like to have; nice cars, theater style home entertainment center, the latest technology and gadgets in my hands, and the desire to have them can sometimes be overwhelming. Ever spend countless hours searching online for things that you know you shouldn't buy but really really want to? Ever hear that two contradictory voices in your head going back and forth, one telling you "yes buy it you only live once," and the other saying "no, don't waste your money." It probably doesn't help much when your friends are nodding their heads saying "do it!"

I've learned that every time I get stuck in this situation, I would always ask myself these following questions:

  • "Do I really need it or do I just want it?"
  • "Can I comfortably afford this under my current budget or am I eating into other funds (food, mortgage, bills)?"
Now if it's something I can justify meaning I actually need it (ex: a replacement computer for my aging machine) and that I have enough money in the banks to afford it (note: not credit cards), I would buy it; no heart burns. On the flip side it's different.

Let's just say you really want to be able to own a Ferrari F430 (MSRP $190K). If you're an average person in the US, there is no chance you would be able to afford it with your current income situation; so what do you do? Simple: take that desire for the F430 and turn it into fuel for rising above being an average person. 

HereTryThis: The next time you find yourself beginning to surf on the internet to look for things that you wish you could have, spend that time instead on coming up with innovative ways to become able to afford them. The next time you find yourself starting a conversation with your friends on how you would "love to have one of those," instead spend the time thinking of how to turn that dream into reality.

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